Healthy Benefits to the Skeletal System

1. Tomatoes: Vitamin A 20%, Calcium 1%, Vitamin C 28%, Magnesium 3%

2. Salmon: Potassium, Selenium, and Vitamin B12

3. Cheese: Calcium, Zinc, Vitamin A, and Protein

4. Broccoli: Vitamin A 18%, Calcium 7%, Vitamin C 220%, Vitamin B-6 15%

5. Carrot: Vitamin A 203%, Calcium 2%, Vitamin C 6%, Vitamin B-6 5%

Benefit’s of these foods: The benefits that help the skeletal system is calcium that will strengthen your bones and make them more dense. All of the vitamins will help out with bone growth as you get older.

Richard Cory By Edwin Arlington Robinson

Whenever Richard Cory went down town,
We people on the pavement looked at him:
He was a gentleman from sole to crown,
Clean favored, and imperially slim.

And he was always quietly arrayed,
And he was always human when he talked;
But still he fluttered pulses when he said,
“Good-morning,” and he glittered when he walked.

And he was rich—yes, richer than a king—
And admirably schooled in every grace:
In fine, we thought that he was everything
To make us wish that we were in his place.

So on we worked, and waited for the light,
And went without the meat, and cursed the bread;
And Richard Cory, one calm summer night,
Went home and put a bullet through his head.

This poem talks about a guy that everyone knows that has a lot of money and is very friendly. He went home and committed suicide. The theme about this poem is looks can be deceiving and money can’t buy happiness. The man, Richard Cory was a very approachable man and didn’t think he was better than anybody.

Life Without Smelling

My favorite sense is the sense of smell. This sense makes my life better by smelling things like flowers, foods, and nature. This sense of smell also makes my life better by helping me smell dangerous things like smoke, gasses, and poisons.

Smelling different things can be fun and can also help you determine what you like and what you don’t like. Smelling is a very powerful sense and I don’t think I could live without it.

My life without smelling would make my life worse because it would make me not be able to smell dangerous things in the air that we can’t breath into our lungs. It would also make my life worse by not smelling good things like nature.

If I couldn’t smell anything good or bad I wouldn’t know what could hurt me and what can’t. Smelling is important for everybody and it would be difficult to live without it.


Eating fish,
and other creatures,

with spirit out of the water,

Flipping ,
through the air,

Long adventures through the sea,

grey bodies,

coming up for fresh air,

☺ The Week After Christmas ☻

When my mom’s side of the family came over for Christmas I remember hearing the sounds of paper ripping and seeing paper fly through the air. All five of us were unwrapping our Christmas presents. The youngest got a remote controlled truck and the oldest got clothes for Christmas. The best thing about it was we weren’t missing anyone.
Everyone was at our house Christmas Eve. We had turkey to cookies piled up in our kitchen. When the family got finished eating my cousins , sister, and I went up stairs to mess with a strobe light in the dark.
After a while we got tired and hot, so we took a break from dancing with each other. Then me and my oldest cousin Haley dressed like Indians and danced in a circle in the living room while my aunt took pictures of us.
Then it was time to go home. All my cousins along with my aunt and uncle went home while my sister  and I went to bed to get ready to see what we got in the morning. I woke up every two hours in the middle of the night so I was tired in the morning.
My sister came running down the hallway and looks for her present. All she saw was boxes under the tree. But then she saw a letter sticking out of her stoking and she said it was from Santa. She read the note and the part I remember most was ‘’ Why your dad couldn’t find a scooter for you is because I sent all my elves to go get them for the good boys and girls and you happened to be one of them.’’The letter also said that he scooter was in the garage. She ran into the garage and she looked past my dad’s truck and then she saw it. She ran towards it and yelled to us to open the garage.  We opened the garage and she kicked up the kick stand and she turned it on and rode off on the street. I watched her ride down the street as she turned around in the cul-de-sac. When she drove back up our driveway she let me ride her scooter. I rode all the way down our street and back up.
After we got finished riding her scooter we went inside to rest and let it charge for a while. Then I went back outside and rode it up our street and down another street. When I went back home my sister wanted to ride it so I let her ride it some.
It was a long day Christmas day and i was tired, so I went inside to sleep.